Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flamenco - Not Flamingo!

Here is my attempt at adding video to our blog. I saw this team at the library near our house. It was very fun to watch. Hannah -- do you what country that flag represents?

"The Shrine" or "Papa's Smile Door!"

Papa's office door brings a smile to any visitor walking through it!
I know it makes ME smile when I look back over the special moments of our precious little granddaughters that are posted on papa's door.
You can certainly see that not a day goes by without granny and papa thinking about our girls.
The added bonus is that you girls make us smile every day! That is a very special gift to us.

He is putting the other papa and granny's in his office to shame because they have not even started to cover their doors with their grand-baby pictures yet!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Faces of Santo Domingo

I think the grins are proof that everyone had a good time with each other! Kids are kids no matter where you go, and these pictures demonstrate that completely. Smiles and expressions communicate when language fails us. These smiles made every moment worth it!
Precious faces focused and concentrating as they helped each other with their craft project.
High school kids getting into the spirit of the assembly! Smiles communicate when language is a barrier!
This precious little girl is about 2 years old. The older children in her neighborhood watch over her very carefully.
I called this little girl Pandita, because she had some panda bears embriored on her shirt.
She was full of life and energy, which is completely communicated in her face! Don't you think she would be a fun playmate?
We didn't share the same language with this sweet little girl, but we could share a sucker! We showed her with our camera how her tongue had turned blue!
One of my favorite shots, right here! They were proud of their artwork, and proud to be brothers.
This young man was part of our local team, he helped out in many, many ways, and we appreciated all his efforts.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just for Thom!

This picture is now by special request only LOL
We took this picture specifically for Uncle Thom, do you think he'll like it???