Saturday, June 20, 2009

If You Visit....

We would love to hear what you think of our site! If you have visited before but never left a comment.....please take a moment to post a comment and let us know how we're doing (for a couple of 'old' baby-boomers!) Or just to tell us hello!


  1. I think you know this already, but we visit. :o)

    Can't wait for you to visit!! ;o)

  2. Actually, I'm pretty sure that marching band photo was from Zito, which puts me in 4th grade. (Though admittedly, it's tough to tell, the photo's so small.) White shirt & black pants was Zito's "uniform". When we marched at DW, we wore white pants and those horrid yellow & brown polyester tops. We looked like marching snot.

  3. Ahhh, I believe you are right. Jen and I did a little 'walk through the past' conversation about it too. I'd forgotten that you started band in 4th grade, but you are small enough in the photo that 4th grade totally fits.

  4. hello from Ireland! We visit! W&D
