Blistering, record heat....monsoon winds and rain...the calendar says August....must be Back to School Time in Arizona!
Thought I'd show a bit of the process teachers go through to get ready for the school year.
We literally 'live' in our classrooms, it seems at times, so here are some shots of my 'other home' !
Thankfully, these are the BEFORE shots.
Here is what I came back to (needless to say teachers pack their rooms up in the spring). All the instruments, the sound system, poster, wall decor, and the piano are packed away for the summer. Now I get to bring them back out, dust them of, and try to remember where they belong in the room!
I spent last Thursday setting up the 'heavy equipment' - risers, sound system, etc. Today I started on the bulletin boards, choral music, and classroom management forms.
Tomorrow I will hopefully finish up the room, the copies, the extra papers, and be ready for a full day of teacher/district meetings.
Soooooo.........Stay tuned for the AFTER shots ... hopefully you'll be able to tell a difference!
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