Continuing on our tour........ we got to visit the press box and sit in the seats used for the pre-game banter between Gracie and Candioti. You might notice the condition of the field...

When I first saw the field I thought they were re-doing it, dirt and all. But our guide explained that it was set up for a moto-cross event. There will be a monster truck jam in a few days as well. Sacrilege!!

They covered the sod with tarp and sheets of ply-wood, then trucked in tons of dirt. I'm thinkin' the drivers better be pretty careful or they could go careening off into the stands! (by the by, this shot was taken from the owner's suite!)

The press box has a signature wall for guests to autograph that have appeared on air (we weren't asked to sign it LOL) It was a blast hunting for signatures. I got excited about a Bil Keane cartoon signature, and papa HAD to have a picture of Vin Scully's signature.

Pretty official, huh?! From the expression on his face, I'm guessing his team must have won the game!

This is Granny signing off, no more questions, please.......
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