Meet Isaac, Cailyn, and Hannah! At least they are Granny's version of our 3 precious ones.
Granny had a grand time crafting these little toys for you, and they will soon be traveling across the ocean to play at your house. But first they had to play around Granny and Papa's Place :)

Here's the game....can you tell were the "triplets' are in Granny and Papa's house? When you think you know you can post your answers for us to check.
Cailyn and Hannah spent a lot of time in this room. The Triplets really like seeing themselves in the mirror.

They HAD to meet Fishy, what room do you think this is?

You weren't in this room too much, but Granny spent a lot of time in this room while you were here.

This looks like it was their favorite place to explore. Kind of like being in the mountains and sliding down hillsides :)
Hannah -- do you recognize anything special in this picture?

Hope you enjoyed playing our little game. Let me know your answers!
Here are the girls' answers:
ReplyDelete1. Hannah and cailyns room
2. Office
3. Grannies room (Cailyn got this one!)
4. Granny and papas room
They are super excited to play with the dolls when they arrive!!